Mustang Sally
The Wildlife, Nature and Hospitality are Fantastic in
Central California

August 8th, after the rolly anchorage at Monterey we were looking for a calm
nights sleep. We sailed around the peninsula
to Stillwater Cove just outside Carmel by the Sea.
One would not think that a kelp filled cove that is opened to the Pacific could be
so calm and so stunningly beautiful. But it was.
A little tricky making the entrance, but we met some sailors from
the Monterey Yacht Club who kindly drew us a chart on the back of a
napkin. Armed with their local knowledge, we confidently
sailed in the hidden entrance between thick bands of kelp. The
cove lived up to its name. |

From Stillwater we sailed passed Big Sur on August 9th. The marine area off Big
is a wild life refuge.
Marine life
everywhere. Whales, Sea Otters, Porpoises and Seals.
The cutest thing was the cheeky sea otters. We would often see
them sleeping in the water on a
bed of kelp. Do they do it for protection from predators or just
for flotation? Whatever, they would sleep so soundly I
had to yell at them to wake up and get out of the way. Like high
school students in a cross walk, they figured they owned the
place. They slept sounder
than my kids when they were teenagers. After a few such incidents,
we found it easier to just steer around them. I guess you could
say they were training us! |
. |

The Morro Bay Yacht Club showed it is hard to find a more generous and
hospitable group than boaters. Upon tying up to their guest dock
on August 10th,
we were invited to a BBQ where the friendly people made us feel welcome
and at home.
We exchanged IYC burgees and enjoyed the fun adventuresome people.
Click here for a few photos. |
In 1840, Richard Henry Dana published
his classic
work - Two Years Before the Mast. The book describes Dana's
experiences as a common seaman working a merchant ship in Mexican
California. The book is a fascinating read. But for
us, it takes on new meaning as it describes the area we are now
sailing. On California Dana wrote:
"The breeze freshened as we stood out to sea, and the wild waves
rolled over the red sun, on the broad horizon of the Pacific: but
it is summer, and in summer there can be no bad weather in
California. Every day is pleasant. Nature forbids a drop of
rain to fall by day or night, or a wind to excite itself beyond a fresh
summer breeze."
So true even today. Monterey was Dana's favorite place in all of California. So
far, Monterey is ours as well and we spent 4 days there starting August

Monterey is a charming community with a sense of history and fun.
Beautiful beaches, a lovely city set in a large bay. Reminds
us of White Rock! Monterey maintains the old Mexican customs house
where Dana would have worked. 19th century buildings from the Spanish
Presidio are also maintained. Monterey was the center of power and
the first capital of Mexican and American California in the eighteen
hundreds. Click here for some pictures.
locals like to celebrate. When we arrived a large
Mexican clipper ship
was visiting, with all flags flying and blasting Mexican music.
People by the thousands came out and stood in line for a chance to get
On shore, just a hundred yards or so behind us, festivities with
bands singing and dancing have been going on every night. Today,
two new festivals began - A Turkish one in the central plaza and a
Scottish highland games in a park just out of town.
The variety of languages is impressive. It feels a little like
we are already in Mexico as there is probably more Spanish than English
spoken here. We also hear French, Turkish and others.
Did you know that Monterey is credited with initiating rock music
festivals and beginning the tradition of a large outdoor concert where
peace, love and music were the primary theme. Eric Burden and the
Animals sang about that festival in the sixties in their hit song,
in Monterey."
With Carmel by the Sea just a short hop away, we spent a day
viewing their galleries - 50 of them - in a town not much bigger
than White Rock. We found many lovely galleries there, some with
exquisite glass work, but Sharon did not find a painter with that
'something extra special' to pass on to Jenkins Showler Gallery.

We are hitting some really interesting places in California.
Monterey - highly recommended. |
town in the Pacific.
It was fun to spend a few days playing, listening and watching the
activities at Santa Cruz. The city sports a large midway/carnival
and casino right behind a beautiful sandy beach. We anchored 100 yards off
that beach.
We enjoyed watching and hearing all the activities and goings on.
The excited frentic screams of the people on the carnival rides, the
squeals of delight from the children playing in the surf, and the rowdy
rock and roll music blasting away until the wee hours.
Did I mention the continuous barking of the sea lions.
Even with all that, Santa Cruz is an exciting place to visit.
. |
San Francisco, Sausalito and Drake's Bay
Francisco is a milestone for sailors headed south from Canada or the
western, USA. It is the turning point
where the brisk north east Pacific weather begins to moderate.
From San Francisco one can turn south west and pick up the trade winds to
Hawaii. From San Francisco, many warm water destinations are
within striking distance. Click
here for some pictures of the approach to San Francisco.
While it is a
lovely metropolis with a beauty that ranks up there with Vancouver,
the Bay area is too similar to the home we left to feel like a
destination. It is an expensive place. And we have visited many times before by air and car. One still has to
contend with cold water, fog and more often than not, strong
northwesterly winds. But the sailing and navigational challenges
are getting easier. |
On July 26th we sailed into Drakes Bay named after the famous British
privateer Sir Francis Drake. Drake 'discovered' the bay in 1579
and claimed the area for the British Crown. We are sure the area
remains much the same today as he would have seen it -
virgin, undeveloped California.Departing from Drake's Bay,
we arrived in San Francisco on July 27th. The weather was foggy with gentle
breezes to the Golden Gate Bridge. We sailed on the east side of Potato Patch shoal, then ran up the
north side of the bay entrance close
to the shore. In the entrance the wind kicked up to 15-20 and we had
a great ride. Sailing dead downwind through the entrance, then
jibing after clearing the bridge for a brisk reach over to the city.

We could not find a suitable San Francisco anchorage, so we tucked in a reef
then roared across San Francisco Bay. 25 knots of wind powered
Sally at 9-10 knots passing the eyesore called Alcatraz and into the
harbor at
San Francisco Bay is an awesome location for sailors. Everyday we could
see the winds kicking up in the afternoon to 20 plus knots, north
and east of the Golden Gate Bridge. The surrounding areas had only
modest winds and flat seas. And surprise, surprise, we
couldn't even see the air we were breathing! Good clean up job San
But wow - the freaking fog! The US Coast Pilot says 10 days of the month are
foggy in July and August. We have had 15 of those days in July! By
the way, did we say thanks to everyone who tried to tell us radar was a
good idea? We are glad we have it.
We had a good time in Frisco. I was delighted to see the
excitement on Sharon's face when we visited the SF Museum of Modern Art
Shar was very excited as we viewed paintings by Rivera, Picasso, Matisse, Frieda
and many others. See some Frisco pictures
here. |
Fort Bragg and
Mendocino charmed us! Remote small town California.
People like to stop and talk. Everyone has time. The women
take a chance and flash a smile. If you walk, people stop - and
offer a ride. Really nice.
We love the crowded jumble jangle on the Noyo River. The bold blues and
greens everywhere. The Redwood forests. Mendocino with it's
galleries and crafts and surfers. The towns are fair and fine
and far enough from the maddening crowd. The pictures below may
pique your curiosity. |
Would you open this door? |
Fort Bragg's Noyo River Jangle |
Mendocino Charm |
Intriguing? Come on a virtual visual walk with me.
Click here to wander
Fort Bragg and Mendocino.
Off to Calgary for Bevin and Sean's Wedding
July 14 through 21st - air and land trip. Left the boat in Fort
Bragg and bussed and flew to Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
I was honored to be the MC for the happy couple - Sean and my niece Bevin. Bevin and Sean are so in love
and so right
for each other. A few pictures of the wedding and reception
can be viewed by clicking
here. Some of the clean and wholesome fun at Sean's stag can
be viewed here.
Heavy Fog and Spooky Going
The last four hops have seen thick heavy fog. Coastal fog makes
navigating an intense experience. Getting into Shelter Cove really took
our breath away. We had just rounded the feared Cape Mendocino -
second most notorious cape on the west coast. The date was July
9th. (The cape is not the same place as
the town of Mendocino). No problem with the wind and seas around
the cape. But the freaking fog! Crikey! |
Here is a look at the fog shrouded Cape
Mendocino on the right. All you can see is the top
of the cape. And look at that fog bank. Click the pick to
zoom. Right into the fog bank is where we went. Not to surprisingly it got
really tough to see much.
We used Mustang Sally's electronic eyes - her radar.
Below are some samples of what we saw inside the fog bank - not much! |
To the left you can see the fog behind Mustang Sally. The fog hangs on the water like a wet blanket.
Or like the blue hand towel hanging on the life lines ;-)
On the right, it illustrates what it looks at the pointy end of
the boat. Boating in
thick fog kinda sucks. In these conditions we reduce speed,
crank up the radar, listen and use extra concentration.
The Shelter Cove story. There is always some wind in fog but in
this case it was minimal. The twin
diesels were driving Mustang Sally toward the cove. We were running
behind our planned 8:00 PM arrival and are nervously watching night fall.
We used the radar to monitor and avoid other marine traffic. But
small sport fishing boats do not show up on radar. A careful watch was essential and
Sharon scanned the fog continuously while I monitored the radar and
Nerve racking work. All your senses, both physical and
electronic are turned up and focused trying to detect any signs of
movement, other boats or the hard stuff (land). Quiet, just
the thrumming of the engines and gurgle of the water.
Sharon scares the hell out of me when she blasts the horn without
warning. She decided it was time to start blowing the signal for a boat underway.
Then laughed when I jumped
a foot. Somehow the horn continues to rattle me throughout the
afternoon and evening as she blasts away every two or three minutes.
As we close with the coast, we were both edgy. Coming into a
strange anchorage requires much attention to detail and visual
position confirmations are preferred. But we could see nothing.
As the day ends and the light fades, even the tiny bit of
visibility we had is snuffed out. Zero visibility.
The radar shows another boat on a collision course. Who was
that idiot on the water now? We thought we were the only ones!
Altering course, we don't see or hear the boat, but the radar
shows it passing to starboard about 200 meters away.
There are two buoys to guide us into the anchorage. By
carefully following the path between the buoys we can avoid hitting the
many rocks scattered to the north and south of the cove. We heard
the first buoy. The deep ooooo-aaa of the fog whistle.
The buoy appeared out of the mist 10 meters off our starboard bow.
"We found it" Sharon shouted gleefully. Altering course to 71
degrees true, we search for the next buoy 1 mile away. We listen.
We can hear the water breaking on the rocks to the left of us.
Clang, clang we hear it bell. Then Sharon spotted the flashing
light. Her eyes are excellent!
Next we slowly and carefully continue eastward toward the shore
monitoring the depth gauge closely. We hear the surf echoing off
the sand and cliffs ahead. At a depth of 6 meters, Sharon
releases the anchor and I back the boat. After letting out 40
meters of chain, we pull hard with the engines and the anchor bites
first time. Relief.
Cocktails to calm the nerves. After a light dinner and some
relaxation we sleep peacefully, rocked gently to sleep by the
rolling ocean swell and the sound of surf breaking on the shore.
All is good on Mustang Sally.
Below are some pictures of what we saw in Shelter cove in the
morning. |
Shelter Cover -
looking North |
Shelter Cover - 1st
California Surfer |
Looking south to escape the
fog |
We seem to be on the west coast at the very worst time
for fog. The above scenario repeated at Bodega Bay and most hops
since Shelter Cove have involved some fog. |
On the left is a photo of a sperm whale.
We watched this big guy blow and dive a half a dozen times. Sharon
spotted him first and had been watching him. I was busy at the
time but I kept glancing in the general direction and saw him blow a few
A few minutes later I began concentrating on the whale exclusively,
using those fantastic binos that Denis and Jan gave us. Both Sharon and I
gasped in awe as we saw him leap clean out
of the water. Of course he wouldn't do it again and this is the
best picture I have. |